Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Two years.

Today is my 2 year blogiversary.

Can you even believe it?

Ya me either.

What should we do to celebrate?!?!

Also, does the black background and white letters drive you to want to poke your eyes out?

Let me know.


beckylbranch said...

Yeah for 2 years! It's quite a contrast the lettering!

Christie said...

congrats :)

i don't mind the black and white at all... but i usually read it from reader or bloglines.

keep updating! you're my hero

Scott said...

Yes. I'm half blind from yesterdays post...

Jennifer Boehm said...

Congratulations on your 2 year blogiversary!!!!!1
Yes, the black background and white letters drive me to want to poke my eyes out!!!!!!!!