Friday night Garrett and I got dressed up and headed to Whispering Pines bed and breakfast for dinner. If you are in the area make reservations and go tonight! It is that good! We were rushing out the door to not be late so we didn't get a picture of us before we left, and the atmosphere of the restaurant wasn't really picture taking friendly (there are only 9 tables). The food was delicious, the service was awesome, it was quiet and romantic, a little place nestled in the woods, it was just perfect. We were wishing we lived somewhere else so we could come back and stay at the B&B on game weekends, it is just precious! I cannot wait to go back.
Saturday was Game Day! We spent the morning lounging around watching football, until it was time to head to Norman! And let me tell you it was my kinda game!! We won 52-0! I brought my camera to the game only to realize in the car there was no memory card in it! So sad! Garrett didn't have his phone so this is all we got

One lonely picture on my not so great phone :(
After the game we stopped at Van's Pig Stand for some yummy bbq! (something about a football game makes me want bbq)
Sunday we slept in and went to a new fun restaurant that we found (that I'll do a separate post on another day). Came home watched football and napped, perfect! (somewhere in there I found time to do a little bit of studying, and we both did a little bit of running). Then we went to a late movie Let Me In it was really, really good! (and I don't even like vampires!) It was supposed to be scary but the story was too good for it to be scary!
So, it was the perfect weekend. Yummy food! Football! Movies! Naps! Hanging out with my favorite!
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