Since we had to get to the stadium early we spent a total of 12 hours in or around Rosenblatt Stadium, which led to lots and lots of pictures and lots of fair food...

Rosenblatt Stadium has been the home of the College World Series for 60 years, this was it's last year so lots a people came out for just that reason

Because of the rain Garrett encouraged me to wear my tennis shoes. I had on a skirt but sucked it up and wore the tennis shoes...but he was so right it was soooo much better!

This is a picture I took of the sign when I thought we were going to be starting the game in 30 minutes...little did I know...

I really liked the little touches around the stadium

Even though Omaha is like the most random place for a major sporting event, they really embrace it and make it the perfect place!

And hello they brought in the fair food was the craziest thing people walking around with funnel cakes...that's not baseball food.

Garrett and I went on a hunt for these...

Do you see in there? They are making curly fries out of a whole was crazy!!

And there were soooo many fries...I told some random guy he could share with us...I think he thought I was crazy...

Garrett got these homemade mini donunts...oh my...they were so yummy!

Did I mention that at this point it was about 3:30 had been raining since we got to the stadium at 11:00 and we still had no idea when the game would even start?!?
We were huddled under a food awning with a bunch of other brave souls

This was next to the stadium at the zoo....

Yay!! The people are finally taking the tarp off the field! Will there be some baseball?


Finally there is an announcement that the game will start!!

Where's Waldo? Hurry back I think we're actually going to get to watch some baseball!!

Finally the National Anthem!!

Only after 5.5 innings the rain started coming down hard, and the lightning was every where so...

They delayed the game again....

Finally at 10:20 the game was over and the SOONERS won! Making the 12 hours at Rosenblatt totally worth it!!

With all of the people there for 12+ hours the stand were filthy...

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