Always start by washing your hands!

These are the only ingredients you need:
Chocolate cake mix
Premade cookie dough
(do not buy the wal*mart brand like I did because they only have 20 cookies and you need 24)Chocolate icing
Cupcake linersand whatever your cake mix calls for
(mine called for oil and 3 eggs)

getting everything ready

mix up the cake batter just how the directions tell you

put your liners in the muffin pan

fill the liners about half full

then take the chocolate chip cookie dough and push them down in the muffin pan

um I was ready to eat one!

bake for 18-20 minutes at 350*

this one exploded a little bit...and it was everything I could do not to eat this warm piece of heaven

When they have cooled frost them....

at this point I was dying to know if they were as yummy as the looked on the
blog that I saw them on

The anticipation was killing me!

so moist!

the first bite!
(when I saw these on Kelly's blog I just had to know what the looked like on the inside)
They really were probably the best cupcake I've ever had, and I prefer white cupcakes over chocolate but I cannot wait to make them again!
do you need my address so you can mail me some? those look SO good!
i've made a similar kind of thing - you take already made cookie dough and put each piece into the bottom of one of the mini-muffin places. then, you unwrap a mini-reeses-cup and smoosh it on top of the cookie dough. then, you bake it until golden brown. it was delish!
happy baking!
I would for sure mail you cupcakes...but first I have to learn to mail them with out them getting smooshed! and I have to send christie something first...because you she might get jealous!
i so would be jealous.
nice step-by-step pictures. you're a professional blogger for real.
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