It went something like this...I was in Bradenton and I was at an IHOPish like place on the island. I went there with my Aunt Kay (her family), Rita, and some other random hs person. We were sitting down and a bunch of other random Bradentonites started showing up. Rita and other random person decided to go sit at a different table with new people. I had to stay with my family. So, suddenly these people walk in and lock the door behind them and tell us that the are robbing IHOP and to take the batteries out of our cell phones and hold them over our heads, then as they walked around they would take each person's battery and all the money they had with them.
Eventually, we got out and there were a ton of reporters in the parking lot. As well as Scott....
Scott got down on one knee, proposed, and presented me with a ring....I said yes...
but the ring it was HORRIBLE...

dream ends with me tell Scott that I really didn't want to marry him, and sorry but the excitement got to me.
So...when RITA called me Sunday morning and told me that she and Michael were engaged I was super excited for them...until I hung up the phone and remembered my dream...obviously I'm

It is beautiful!*

(even if I never met Michael, he must be pretty great!)
*I stole borrowed these pictures from AV on facebook. thank you!!
that ring WOULD be pretty ugly - maybe it could be a ringpop - would that be better or worse? i guess it depends on if you need a lollipop at that moment too...
um a ringpop would for SURE be better than that thing from my dream. I only ever see those things at easter! I almost bought a bunch this year...but I wasn't sure what I was gonna do with them once I had them.
YAY!!!!! i finally found out what your funny story is! and i love it! you really ARE psychic! i just hope your other dreams about me aren't some indicator of this talent (i.e. the one about my twin....). thanks for the shout out on your blog and i'm so glad you don't think my ring is ugly! i hope you never get robbed at IHOP! miss you so much, friend!!!
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