Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

2012 was a really good year. 

I stayed super busy with school and work and managed to get all As, my best friend from high school had a baby and I got to go spend a week taking care of that sweet happy little girl! I got a new car. Spent a couple of fun weeks hanging out with my sister (including a birthday trip to Colorado, that we are already planning to repeat!), and lots of lunch times hanging out with my high school cousin who thinks I'm cool enough to hangout with. I turned 30 (eek!) and even though in the last two months of the year I had a kidney stone (and surgery to remove it), broke my ankle, and the flu and strep throat (at the same time) we also went on an amazing trip to Hawaii!

2013 plans to be just as great if not better! I am going to be studying hard for the CPA exam and hopefully I'll end up with a shiny new job that rewards all my efforts of the last three years! (I will miss this job but I think they pay increase will be worth it!) I already have two visits scheduled to see that sweet happy baby girl one of them will be her first birthday! I am so excited! A double date trip to Colorado with my sister, and I'm sure there will be a trip to somewhere fun thrown in there some where! 

I'm planning for a fun, healthy, productive year! 

So here are my goals/resolutions for the year:
Don't eat meat in 2013 - inspired by a few documentaries on the health benefits and a few who did this one before me and as a result have drastically reduced their meat consumption, there is one exception to this I received a gift card to an amazing steak house for Christmas and we just couldn't make time for it before the end of the year, so for that one meal I do plan on eating meat. 

Journal Daily - two years in a row I bought the line a day journal 2011 I made it around April and 2012 I made it to around March, I did not buy the journal for the third time but I really really wanted to, so I'll just be doing it in a regular notebook and I'm hoping this year I can make it through the entire year!

Pass the CPA exam - I've reached the home stretch, but I won't have professors setting deadlines for me. I am on my own when it comes to studying for these last four tests. I have a goal and I cannot wait to get started (or more importantly finished!) 

Get a job - to go with my shiny new CPA credentials, this is what I've been working so hard for!!!

Lose weight - you know because it's not a New Year's resolution list without weight loss on it. I have more specific goals, the ankle means no high impact activities for 6 months so lots of nutrition focus is going on at my house. 

Develop a skin care routine - because I'm getting old and day dreaming about botox most days I really need to take better care of my skin. I really like being carded, I'd like to keep it up as long as possible!

Read 25 books - the number might be a little low, but I think it will be all the fun reading I can handle with all the cpa studying going on. 

Blog twice a week - because really I'm just a pretty bad blogger, twice a week won't make me awesome, but at least it's some consistency!

Take pictures, make a 2013 photo book - take pictures of people, and document the year. I'm pretty bad at taking pictures of people and quite frankly Garrett wears the same thing every day (white t-shirt and jeans) and he hates all the picture taking. But, I'm saying no more this year I will be documenting everything! Even if I only have a 12 page book because there are only enough pictures for one page a month :) 

Mail 52 snail mails - here is a goal I always strive for but never accomplish with Crystal  and Amanda taking on a 365 day challenge I figured I could do 52! (I thought about trying to do 365 but I can't help but wonder if my sister would get tired of receiving mail from me every other day, no but seriously I'm not sure I have enough people to make it for 365 days!)  

There we have it, my 2013 goals. Later in the week I'll let you know how I plan to keep better track of my goals throughout the year, so I end up with a better success rate than I had in 2012!

Hope you had a fun and safe new year's eve! Here is to a great year!

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