Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dear Thursday,

I realize you've had a ton of responsibility lately. It all started with Christmas and all of the joy and anxiety that went along with that. Then there was New Year's day and all of the changes (and black-eyed peas) that comes along with that. Last Thursday was the much anticipated game that ended not quite how I would have hoped. And that brings us to today...NFL draft entering deadline...

Thank you so much to McCoy, Trent, Sam, and Greshy for not making me wait all the way until today for you answer! And thank you even more for deciding you love college more than money! (or whatever your reasons were).

Here's hoping that for the next week I will not have knots in my stomach even once, and that you can be a normal just like every other weekday day!

Only 232 more days until the first game! Get excited!

Thanks again Thursday for all of your hard work!

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