This is my first ever Not Me Monday! If you wanna know all about it head over to MckMama's blog (she started it/hosts it) and read more experienced NOT MErs!
I did not spend the last 5 days of my life reading every single post on MckMama's blog because she is my new favorite blogger. I would never do that I have far more important/interesting things to do in my life than sit in front of the computer reading 1300 blog posts of some stranger with really cute kids.
I did not spend one day with two different ex boyfriends (at different times) this weekend, and even if I did I wouldn't publicize it on my blog because that would just make me look bad.
I did not hurry up and read to the end (or beginning) of MckMama's blog today so that I could participate in nmm...because really I do have a life.
I did not find an old banana in the backseat of my car this week. And even if I did find a rotting banana in my car I would have thrown in away immediately not just moved it to the other side of the car so no little feet would step on it. That would be unsanitary.
that banana one is sick. clean your car, missy!
don't let this happen to you: http://hypotheticalabs.com/images/messy_car.jpg
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