Thursday, October 10, 2013


When I get overwhelmed with things in my life I tend to focus on ridiculous things that don't really matter.

For instance I need to schedule to take the rest of my CPA exams but I have a panic attack if I think about it too long.

My desk at work is shamefully messy I just can't catch up!

My car is filthy! Inside and out. It's ridiculous that it's been on my to do list for like 4 weeks straight and it's just not getting done!

My budget needs to be redone, I need to find time during the day to go to the post office, and seriously working in insurance right now is just not fun.

HOWEVER, none of those things seem to matter to me right now because when I wake up in the middle of the night my biggest questions is which planner should I get for 2014...

Erin Condren Gold Edition Life Planner....
Whitney English Gold Day Designer....

So here's what I've come up with:

Basically I think it comes down to if I want more room to write on each day since Whitney has a separate page for each day. I like the idea of that but my major concern is - I rarely finish my entire to do list in one day so will things get missed in transferring them over? For weekly on two pages it's easy for me to see what needs to be done with out a lot of page turning...

When I was in school it was helpful to be able to see what I had to do for an entire week at a time. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to part with that? But the ability to have lots of space to write things for a day is enticing too...

Ultimately I'm not really sure what my life is going to be like next year (if everything goes according to plan) I'll be starting an entirely different and more demanding career but I also won't wear as many different hats - my life will be all about work.

I just don't know. It really shouldn't be this hard.....

*I have used EC for several years (though last year I went with Lilly which isn't an option because I don't need (or like!) an August - December calendar!)

1 comment:

Ash. said...

boo. budgeting is theee worst thing in the world. we literally spent 4 hours going over ours the other night. yay for first world probzzz!!!